
I have always seen design practice and research as complementary. So, I continuously try to learn from emerging research while also trying to contribute back to it by sharing my reflections and learning with the broader community. 

I joined the PhD programme at the University of Oslo in 2015. I wanted to further develop my understanding of design research and practice and to critically re-think what is it that we, as designers, design in the context of emerging smart technologies. I adopted a practice-based approach to research, which meant that my research was not purely conceptual but instead based on real-world design practice and exploration. 

My thesis, titled Designing Smart Things, explores new and more participative ways of designing smart technologies. The design approaches and examples presented in it, show how the strategic impact of smart technologies on organisations and society can be thought of together with the values they embody, such as openness, inclusiveness, and understandability.

A selection of case studies and my published research is presented below.

I have always seen design practice and research as complementary. So, I continuously try to learn from emerging research while also trying to contribute back to it by sharing my reflections and learning with the broader community. 

I joined the PhD programme at the University of Oslo in 2015. I wanted to further develop my understanding of design research and practice and to critically re-think what is it that we, as designers, design in the context of emerging smart technologies. I adopted a practice-based approach to research, which meant that my research was not purely conceptual but instead based on real-world design practice and exploration. 

My thesis, titled Designing Smart Things, explores new and more participative ways of designing smart technologies. The design approaches and examples presented in it, show how the strategic impact of smart technologies on organisations and society can be thought of together with the values they embody, such as openness, inclusiveness, and understandability.


May 2015   â€“          June 2019

May 2015   â€“          June 2019

May 2015   â€“      June 2019

May 2015  – Jun 2019

January 2011   â€“    May 2011

January 2011  –  May 2011  

January 2011   â€“    May 2011        

April 2010  –          June 2010

April 2010  –          June 2010

April 2010  –    June 2010

April 2010  –  Jun 2010

PhD Fellow (Interaction and Strategic Design),    University of Oslo (Norway)

PhD Fellow (Interaction and Strategic Design),    University of Oslo (Norway)

PhD Fellow (Interaction and Strategic Design),  University of Oslo (Norway)

PhD Fellow, University of Oslo (Norway)

Interaction Design Research Intern,                        University of Oslo/Oslo Barne Museum (Norway)

Interaction Design Research Intern,                                      University of Oslo/Oslo Barne Museum (Norway)

Design Research Intern, University of Oslo/Oslo Barne Museum (Norway)

Design Research Intern,  University of Oslo/Oslo Barne Museum (Norway)

Interaction Design Research Intern,                              Calorx  Education and Research Foundation (India)

Interaction Design Research Intern,                                      Calorx Education and Research Foundation (India)

Interaction Design Research Intern,                    Calorx Education and Research Foundation (India)

Interaction Design Research Intern, Calorx  Education and Research Foundation (India)


Design Research •  Field Research  •  Contextual Inquiry  •                      Design Ethnography  •  Interviews  •  Thematic Analysis  •                      Practice-based Research  •  Co-Design                               

Design Research •  Field Research  •  Contextual Inquiry  •                Design Ethnography  •  Interviews  •  Thematic Analysis  •              Practice-based Research  •  Co-Design                               

Design Research •  Field Research  •  Contextual Inquiry  •  Design Ethnography  •  Interviews  •  Thematic Analysis  •  Practice-based Research  •          Co-Design                               

Design Research •  Field Research  •  Contextual Inquiry  •  Design Ethnography  •  Interviews  •  Thematic Analysis  •  Practice-based Research  •  Co-Design                               

Design Research •  Field Research  •  Contextual Inquiry  •   Design Ethnography  •  Interviews   â€¢  Thematic Analysis  •  Practice-based Research  •  Co-Design                               

publication channels


Pandey, S. (2019). Designing Smart Things (Doctoral dissertation, University of Oslo). 

Pandey, S., & Culén, A. L. (2018). Eyespy: Designing Counterfunctional Smart Surveillance Cameras. Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 838–843.

Pandey, S. (2018). Entangling, Oscillating, Frilux-ing: Branding the art of design. Proceedings of DRS 2018 International Conference: Catalyst, 7, 3048–3064.

Pandey, S. (2018). Framing Smart Consumer Technology: Mediation, Materiality, and Material for Design. International Journal of Design; Vol 12, No 1 (2018), 37–51.

Pandey, S., & Culén, A. L. (2017). Hearsay: Speculative exploration of intelligent voice based interfaces. Proceedings of the Nordes Conference (Design + Power) No. 7 (2017). 

Pandey, S., & Srivastava, S. (2016). Knowledge Brokers in Service Design: Lessons from Organizational Studies. 317–326. Linköping University Electronic Press.

Pandey, S., & Srivastava, S. (2016). â€˜Pop-up’ Maker-spaces: Catalysts for Creative Participatory Culture. Proceedings of ACHI 2016, The Ninth International Conference on Advances in Computer-Human Interactions, 50–56.

Pandey, S. (2015). Proto Design Practice: Translating design thinking practices to organizational settings. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal, 27(Winter 2015), 129–158.

Culén, A. L., Pandey, S., Srivastava, S., & Coughlin, K. (2015). Can Games Motivate Urban Youth for Civic Engagement? Proceedings of HCII 2015, 549-560. 

Pandey, S., & Srivastava, S. (2014). Data Driven Enterprise UX: A Case Study of Enterprise Management Systems. In S. Yamamoto (Ed.), Human Interface and the Management of Information. Information and Knowledge in Applications and Services (pp. 205–216). Springer International Publishing.

Pandey, S. (2013). Responsive Design for Transaction Banking – A Responsible Approach. Proceedings of the 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction, 291–295.

Culén, A. L., Bratteteig, T., Pandey, S., & Srivastava, S. (2013). The Child-to-Child (C2C) Method: Participatory Design for, with and by Children in a Children’s Museum. IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet, 11(2), 92–113.

Pandey, S., & Srivastava, S. (2011). SpellBound: A Tangible Spelling Aid for the Dyslexic Child. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Human Computer Interaction, 101–104. 

Pandey, S., & Srivastava, S. (2011). Tiblo: A Tangible Learning Aid for Children with Dyslexia. Procedings of the Second Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design, 211–220. 

Pandey, S., & Srivastava, S. (2011). Keynect: Tangible Social Network. Procedings of the Second Conference on Creativity and Innovation in Design, 347–350. 

Selected Case Studies

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