Transaction Banking App Design



A leading transaction banking software provider (name confidential).


UX Design Consultant (Globant, India) with Milind Sonavane, a Visual Design Consultant.

Ecosystem Mapping • Interviews • Information Architecture • Wireframing • Prototyping (HTML/CSS & Adobe Fireworks)


December 2012 – March 2013


To develop a mobile application for enterprise transaction banking, targeted at both iOS and Android smartphones and tablets for managing transactions on the go

A linked goal was to evaluate the relevance and business viability of such an application for enterprise customers. 



We designed and developed a responsive prototype using the Bootstrap framework to showcase one of the app's core modules on smartphones and tablets to evaluate its business viability. 

Based on the positive reactions and feedback that the app prototype received, I created detailed responsive design mockups, click-through prototypes, and design specifications for the entire application. At this stage, a visual language and detailed visual design mockups were also created by Milind Sonavane.

Responsive Mockups


Responsive re-design of an enterprise transaction banking application for ‘on-the-go’ access on smartphones and tablets.

Enterprise transaction banking solutions track and record financial transactions, such as invoices and payments, in an enterprise context. They form a critical part of any business, and it is not unusual for banks to provide dedicated portals to their high volume enterprise customers.

A leading transaction banking software company approached Globant to design an app-based solution that could increase the reach and engagement of their existing web-based offering. Users could potentially approve, reject or edit transactions in batches or access specific transactions on the go and receive payments faster using camera-based OCR techniques. 

What I did

Project Management

Milestone Planning 
Consistent Handoffs (for UI/backend development)


Product Ecosystem 
Product Concept
MVP Concept Pitch


Information Architecture
Simplified User Flows
Interaction strategy 
Detailed wireframes 

Role: UX design consultant (Globant, India)

I worked on this project with Milind Sonavane, a Visual Design Consultant. I was the primary contact point for the client on the project. 

iPad Mockup

Core Challenge

Evaluating demand and viability by prototyping the minimum viable product

In 2012, the idea of a mobile enterprise transaction banking solution was still very new and seemed like a risky proposition for the company. Therefore, the company’s product and marketing team wanted to test and evaluate the application design concept with potential clients before developing it fully. We faced two challenges – translating the existing web application to a mobile phone app and prototyping the minimum viable product design concept so that the marketing team could test it with their clients. 

Fintech Mockup


Approach: Prototype Driven Design

Prototype-Driven Design

Ecosystem Mapping

The design of the application started with intensive domain and ecosystem review sessions with the client. As a part of this process, I also undertook a review of the existing product UI and interactions. Throughout this stage of the process, I worked closely with the product management and marketing teams to understand the application’s modules and consumer touch-points. I used this information to map the different information clusters within the application and the logical relationship and hierarchy between them in the form of an ecosystem diagram. 


Ecosystem Diagram

Ecosystem diagram for the transaction banking platform

Our client was a solutions provider for banks who planned to deploy and configure the solution for their enterprise customers. Hence, there was a significant degree of separation between me and the actual end-users of the software. So, I decided to focus on identifying key user-profiles and their tasks through extensive client interviews. This step was foundational for the whole process since it helped us collectively make informed decisions about the core features and data-points that would be important in a mobile context. 

User Profiles

Key user profiles

Task flows

In addition to the ecosystem and the user profiles, understanding the task flows of the existing desktop application was critical. They highlighted existing workflows and information models that users were comfortable with. It also presented redundant and complex flows that could be eliminated while rethinking the application for a mobile context.

I realized that the interface would need to account for data scalability and data precision while also retaining a sense of familiarity that the desktop users had with the existing software. I used a modified version of the visual vocabulary proposed by Jesse James Garrett to model the task flows. I modified the elements of the vocabulary to segregate chunks of information from global and page-level actions.


taskflows legend

Screen flow diagrams – using an adapted version of the visual vocabulary by Jesse James Garrett

Responsive Sketching & Prototyping

At this stage, I started sketching out different concepts for the navigation and contextual actions. Thinking of the content and navigation paradigms mobile-first helps create agreement on content priority and clear navigation structures and is especially relevant in a data-heavy scenario like transaction banking.

Rather than create high fidelity wireframe concepts or even block level diagrams, I chose to do very quick and low fidelity concept sketches for identifying content scaling and navigation strategies. I sketched key screens for mobile and tablet devices using responsive sketch sheets. This helped me think through the information structure and interactions and how they would adapt to the device at hand. Final sets of sketches were discussed with the client and their feedback and concerns noted before the prototypes were created.


sketch sample

Responsive Sketches

Based on the interaction and navigation strategy outlined in the sketches, I prototyped the key screens in the form of an interactive storyboard. This was done using the Bootstrap responsive web framework. Before the availability of prototyping platforms like Invision/Flinto/Framer, web frameworks like Bootstrap were useful to quickly mock up ideas without having to re-create common components and responsive layouts.

Early Prototypes
Early Prototypes

Early prototypes for the MVP app – developed using Zurb Foundation

I also worked with my colleague Milind Sonavane, who was the visual designer on this project to ensure the HTML prototypes were presentable and visually consistent. However, we deliberately kept the screens minimally styled in the first phase to avoid implicitly suggesting a visual language at an early prototype stage itself. 

Storyboard prototypes were invaluable in demonstrating navigational and layout changes based on device types and helping test user flows and user interaction strategies early on. The prototypes used actual data points to test assumptions of data scalability and identifying constraints related to presenting and accommodating data on the interface. These prototypes were deployed on smartphone and tablet devices. Using HTML5/CSS3 features like device caching and mobile meta-tags, we were able to make the browser completely invisible and simulate an app-like experience. These prototypes were given to the client early on so they could share it with their customers and gather feedback and response for the application being designed.

Responsive Demo Final

Final MVP app prototype – developed in collaboration with Milind Sonavane using the Bootstrap framework 

Detailed Design

I created the detailed wireframe screens next, using the prototype storyboard as a reference point. I continued using the actual data points as a reference while designing these screens to identify possible breakpoints and constraints related to data display. The feedback and reflection from the prototype helped iron out issues with the interaction strategy and bring in an element of uniformity in the navigational paradigm. A uniform navigational paradigm helped reduce the learning curve involved with the interface and, in the case of responsive web design, helped UI developers in writing maintainable code.


Wireframes Landing Page
Wireframes Landing Page 2
tablet wireframe screen
tablet wireframe screen

Wireframe mockups and detailed flow level documentation

Since motion and transition are one of the key guiding principles of screen movement in a mobile context, these need to be identified and communicated to the client and subsequently, the developers. So, I prototyped key flows and screen transitions using the Touch Application Prototype (TAP) library for Adobe Fireworks and shared them with the client and developers in the form of on-device demos. TAP allows designers to add gestures like swipe, pinch and tap and page transitions to wireframes using pre-defined tap targets and hotlinks. 

Wireframe Prototype (recreated in Adobe XD)

Click through prototype demo of the mobile app design (originally created in Adobe Fireworks, recreated in Adobe XD)

Prototype Demo (Single Module)

Prototype Single Module

Mobile app demo

Snapshot of Detailed Wireframe screens

Phone Wireframe Screens
Tablet Wireframe Screens

Wireframe mockups – mobile and tablet

Visual Design

The visual design language and pixel-perfect screens for this app were created by my colleague Milind Sonavane. 


iPad Visual Design Mockup
VD Tablet Mockups
VD Phone Mockups

Visual Mockups (created by Milind Sonavane)


I discussed the process and learnings from the project in a peer-reviewed industrial case study that was presented in the Asia-Pacific CHI conference in 2013 at Bangalore, India. I also conducted a series of hands-on workshops on Responsive design and prototyping with my colleague Milind Sonavane.

Research Paper

Pandey, S. (2013). Responsive Design for Transaction Banking—A Responsible Approach. Proceedings of the 11th Asia Pacific Conference on Computer Human Interaction, 291–295. 

iPad Mockup

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